There are no fruits of domestic labor to be plucked, only those of which she pulls from the paper bag. This is only because there is no compensation for such labor, and she must rely on the fruits of his labor to survive.
The inferiority of traditional femininity derives from this feudal concept. There is nothing inherently wrong with domestic labor. It is a necessary role which happened to fall in the laps of women, perhaps by virtue of maternity. But it is a role baron in a capital culture, and hence subordinate to roles of traditional masculinity (or rather, any common profession as default.)
And so is, all that comes with it, all that comes with femininity is subordinate to the “default.”
Makeup and dresses and shoes and purses and nails and glitter and pink: they are presumed frivolous in nature.
The girl who wears pink is the bitch. She is hetero and one-dimensional and has no worldly desires. It’s in those shitty coming-of-age high school movies: She’s the cunt and the nerdy girl in jeans with a skateboard is the human. You cannot name a specific reference but you know it is true because clichés are beautiful like that.
Ignore the idea that the feminine and the masculine are mere constructs, because in the material world they exist in the form of commodity. The girl’s toy aisle is littered with the Pink. The boy’s aisle is not exactly blue but an array of “masculine” tones.
But the Pink is not and should not be deemed inferior. It is versitile and the most perfect hue. It can be soft. It can be harsh. It is the new black; it goes with everything. It is floral and it is frosting. It is tongue and it is cotton. Jelly and orchid. Animal and dancer.
The Pink should not be rejected by feminist circles, nor embraced in an exclusionary appraisal of cis genetalia. The Pink should be unabashedly feminine but sexless. Genderless. The feminine as it exists in the modern world should be embraced, and along with it, the Pink.
-Hannah FitzGerald
*all images found were edited from there orginal form*
source image citations:
Flip-off Princess. Digital Image. Buzzfeed. September 20, 2016.
Pink Panty png. Digital Image.
Kawaii Flower png. Digital Image. SCCPRE.
Girly-Girl_Makeup. Digital Image. Makeup4me. August 2019.
Pink Leather Boot. Digital Image. HiClipart.
Pink Gradient. Digital Image. Color-hex.